Monday, August 31, 2009

Crash Landing

So I'm here...Africa...the exciting!!!! How nerve-wracking! How incredibly HOT!!! As soon as I stepped off the plane into the virtually pitch dark world (it was early morning), I was smacked right in the face by the thick formidable Senegalese air. With my light jacket on it was unbearable. Nevertheless I loaded on the bus with everyone else and took the five second ride to the airport. Once off the bus I figured out which line was for international passengers (the one with the sign in English above it) and filled out the necessary paperwork to enter the country. Eight or ten men greeted me at baggage claim and offered to take my bags and take me to their taxi, all things I had no money or need for. One did help me however; I only understood "cart" and "no pay" but shortly after he came back with a car for my luggage. "Merci," I said with a smile and continued on my way. The airport is very small; I found the exit and Masake (my fellow HU bison and the daughter of Madame Kane whose school I will be working with) came shortly after. Now I'm here with the Kanes ( the family over the school) safe and alone because I overslept.

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