Monday, January 4, 2010

ThInGs I No LoNgEr TaKe FOr GrAntEd

Just a list of some things I've noticed are no longer in my life...

1) Washing machines. I really wish I had one. There is someone who washes clothes but she doesn't wash jeans, underwear, cargo pants or bathing suits. All I have are shirts.

2) Target/Walmart- the convenience of everything in one location so easily accessible. I don't always like to bargain in Wolof for stuff.

3) Taxi meters- because they're fair. What's not fair is overcharging me because I'm not Senegalese.

4) College ruled paper- who would've thought I should stock up on paper before I came. But the paper here is like graph paper, I can't write on that.

5) Smart trip cards or bus pass- that'd be nice to have. although the way the bus system works here, it would be impossible to implement a smart trip machine. The bus gets so packed during rush hours and there's no way to monitor who is on the bus and who paid.

6) phone plan/unlimited texting- I have a pay as u go phone. I don't like my conversations to last longer than 20 sec otherwise i'm paying beacoup money!!!

7) Bacon- PORK bacon, or even turkey bacon. Haven’t had either since I’ve been here.

8) Milk- I don’t like the way the milk tastes here. I want some 2% milk.

9) Oreos- but not just any oreos, the white ones. Nobody loves those. Except for me. I love white oreos. Although now that I think about it, having the black oreos would be great as well.

10) Waffle fries from chic fil a. They’re so delicious. Actually I just miss chic fil a in general. Nuggets with waffle fries and sweet tea lemonade mix.

11) Certain sanitary Practices- although I’m not dead yet. Maybe there’s no need to sanitize everything.


  1. Wow...amazing how life can be completely different... I wonder if I could live without certain things...

    and nah theres no need to sanitize everything unless theres an epidemic... but thats more if you grow up in a certain place and develop immunity to what is normally there... if you weren't raised there... you have more chance of getting sick from something that someone else wouldnt get sick from...

  2. yess #10 that's my meal right there! I'll be happy when you're home and can enjoy and truly appreciate these things. I'll try not to take them for granted since they're at my disposal.
